Thursday, April 10, 2014

The evolution of Altera

Altera in her original design in Patch 1.15 of the Version 1.0 of FF XIV
Alteras new look at the relaunch of FFXIV. A Realm Reborn.
Darker skin, Purple Hair and Orange highlights, Orange and Purple eyes
With the addition of the new Astestichian (barbershop) I changed to a new hairstyle. Rest stayed the same.
Made her purple and orange hair a darker shade.
Changed haircolor to black with dark orange
Current design. New hairstyle was added in Patch 2.2 which I really felt suited Altera. Kept it black, and made Orange highlighs a bit more red.
Do you guys prefer the old design or the newer ones I have made? :)
Lemme know if you want to leave a comment.

Cya in Eorzea 


  1. Evenstar Tights, the best gear, well visually, in 2.2. If faustsketcher does another commission, this has to be used!

  2. I agree with dhalmel. I use my tights 24/7! You must commission one from faust with that. And about your character, I completely love her in every single way. If I had to pick a favorite though, I might say purple and orange short hair/black and orange short hair. :)
