Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Thank You, from Lunareyes

As a thanks for being a nice commissioner, Lunareyes did this picture including Altera.

Altera getting a nice BJ from her Storie, while her Deruka and Sujaki both plugged Storie's other vacant holes xD

Thank you Lunareyes

PS, hope the fans of my Altera, likes her new dark tanned skincolor.
I do like her current bluegray, just I felt with her new haircolor design, it didnt match as well xD


  1. Props to lunareyes for the fap material....wait is he watching me fap....from the moon?!

  2. To me Altera being dark tanned doesn't work, she doesn't feel unique anymore, just one of the hundreds of other Miqo'te out there

    1. I have just run into quite a lot of same grayskin miqotes around with very similar looks xD

      And since Fantasia Potions will be put on the MOG Station website, there is not anything stopping me from going back to the old skincolor.

      Its just with the new wet effect on rain, that the dark chocolate skin looks so very sexy compared to the gray one hehe xD

      And I have played with the same skincolor for over 3 years. So instead of making a new character to see something new for a while, im just tweaking Altera ;)

      And waaaay back in 1.0, Miqote Moonkeepers did not have brown skin, and I actually wanted that, as I also liked the round eyes more than the sunseekers. So I picked the gray skin that I liked most. And when ARR relaunched, I stuck to the same skin as I took my pictures into considerations. But over time, the chocolate skin just grew on me hehe

      She will still remain the same kinky naughty Altera as people have come to know xD
